Miner Cottage Antics

A small, hobby sized business with a variety of services.

I'm Jeremiah Senner, the sole proprietor of Miner Cottage Antics. The name comes from being located in an 1883 miner's cottage and from the fact that I like to do many different things using this business name. Hence, "Antics". This business is located on a very small residential property in Walkerville Montana. It is closed and may open again sometime in the future.

Check out the progress on the Miner Cottage!  My 1883 Miner's Cottage Restoration project

109 Academy St, Walkerville, MT 59701

My phone number is (406) 498-9632

My email address is jjsenner@yahoo.com

I am on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/jeremiah.senner

I have a Youtube channel; https://youtube.com/user/JeremiahSenner